Midterm Exam 1#


Date: Friday, September 29th 2023

Time: during our regular lecture time.

Location: at our regular lecture room.

  • Student ID: Bring either your UB Student ID or government issued ID.

  • Calculator Policy: Only the Texas Instruments TI-30XIIS calculator is allowed. Use of any other calculator or device will automatically result in a 0 on the exam. See the calculator policy in the syllabus for more details.

  • References/resources policy: No outside references/resources allowed during the exam. The only references/resources allowed during the exam are those provided as part of the exam packet.

What to Study#

  • Topics: learning outcomes F1-F8, L1-L4

  • Number of Questions: 12 problems.

    • These will be similar in format to the Checkpoint Exam questions.

    • There will be one question per learning outcome (just like the Checkpoint Exams).

    • For topics L3 and L4 you should really practice the homework problems.

  • Simplifying: Unless otherwise stated on the exam, you do not need to simplify your answers.

How To Study#

The more problems you do, the better prepared you will be!

  • Checkpoint Exams - If one of your questions was marked incorrect, make sure you understand why. Go through your notes on the solution that was presented during recitation, or use the review videos to find a similar example, and compare what we did there vs what you had on your exam.

  • Old Homework Problems on WeBWork

  • In-Class Problems - try the in-class problems we did in lecture. You can also try the preparation problems as well.

  • Lecture Examples - try the examples we did in lecture: work on them by yourself and then use your notes or the review video to check your solution (not just your answer) or for help if you get stuck.

Follow-up Opportunity#

For any learning outcome still marked as Progressing on any Checkpoint Exam:

  • If you score a 90% or better on a Midterm Exam 1 question which tests the same learning outcome, you will earn (M) Meets Expectations for that learning outcome.