One-More-Chance Checkpoint Exam#


Date: Friday, December 15, 2023

Time: 10:30-11:00am (or for 30 minutes immediately after your final exam)

Location: Cooke 121

  • Calculator Policy: Calculators are NOT allowed. The exam questions are written so that a calculator is not needed.

  • References/resources policy: No outside references/resources allowed during the exam. The only references/resources allowed during the exam are those provided as part of the exam packet.

    • No reference page will be provided.

What to Study#

  • New Topics:

    • This is your chance to re-test on any checkpoint exam question that is still currently marked as either (P)-Progressing or (U)-Unsatisfactory.

  • Number of Questions:

    • This depends on which topics you still need to complete. Only the topics you need to do will show up on your exam.

  • Comments:

    • Depending on how many questions you need to complete, time may be a limiting factor.

    • For maximum benifit, start with the questions you are most confidant on and the ones which require the least amount of work.