Intro to WeBWorK#

WeBWorK is the (free) online homework system we will be using for our class.


Links to each individual homework assignment will be posted throughout this course website. You can also access all homework assignments at:

Login Information#

You should use your usual UBIT login information to access WeBWorK.

  • Username: your UBIT username (all in lowercase)

  • Password: your UBIT password

Why WeBWorK?#

A few reasons:

  1. It is a mature, open source platform specifically developed for mathematics.

  2. Free for students.

  3. Customizable - Most of the homework problems that you will be completing have been written or customized by Prof. Casper so that they align with the learning outcomes specific to our class.

  4. Good syntax - It gives you practice communicating mathematics (both with yourself and with a machine).

  5. Instant Feedback - Online homework has the benefit of near-instantaneous feedback, you know right away if your answer is correct or not. With paper homework, you have to wait days or even weeks before you get feedback, and by that point you may have forgotten what you were even doing.

What is it missing?#

As helpful as I think WeBWorK is to the learning process, there are a few deficits:

  1. It only checks answers - Your solution is just as important as the final answer (and usually more so). Online homework systems are really only meant to check your final answer and do not provide feedback on your actual solution.

  2. Picky syntax - Like learning any new language, the syntax used in WeBWorK can sometimes feel picky. (I’m looking at you parentheses.) I have included a guide below to help you learn the basics, but please feel free to ask any questions on our help page.

Decimal Places#

Some problems require many decimal places of accuracy. It is usually a good idea to use 6-8 decimal places. If you are getting a question wrong, you may retry the work without rounding at any step in the solution process.

Usually it is preferable to type in an exact answer as opposed to a decimal approximation. WebWork will accept answers like “1 - (ln(15))/(ln(2))”.

Syntax Guide#

Math Object













Multiplication between a variable and a constant is implied. So you could also type 3*x as 3x.




For more complicated expressions, it’s a good idea to use parentheses around the entire numerator and denominator: e.g. (y+5)/(y-2)




For more complicated expressions, it’s a good idea to use parentheses around the entire base term and exponent: e.g. (y+5)^(y-2)

Square Root Function \(\sqrt{x}\)


sqrt(x) also works

Root Function \(\sqrt[n]{x}\)


Absolute Value |x|


abs(x) also works

(Natural) Exponential Function \(e^x\) or \(b^x\)


For general exponential functions, you can type b^x

(Natural) Logarithmic Function



Trigonometric Functions

sin(x), cos(x), tan(x), sec(x), csc(x), cot(x)

Inverse Trig Functions

arcsin(x), arccos(x), arctan(x), arcsec(x), arccsc(x), arccot(x)